How we work 

Welcome to our parents page

If you are reading this because we are working in your child's school, you may have had some information about us already.

We provide independent careers advice and guidance to students in schools to equip them with the knowledge they need to make informed career choices. We now work in 70 Independent, State and SEND schools across the UK where we deliver careers services to students in years 7 - 13 and young people up to 25 with additional learning needs. 

Each school will have desiged it's own support from us to fit the specific needs of their students and in many cases, that will include an individual, one-to-one meeting to provide expert advice and guidance to help your child with their decision-making about a range of topics which could include:


  • Choosing GSCE & post 16 subjects
  • The routes to specifc careers
  • What to do if they have no idea about careers
  • Weighing up whether to go to university, onto an apprenticeship or work
  • Choosing a degree or university course
  • Gap year options
  • International study
  • Securing work experience or an internship


 Please reassure them that the meeting will be informal, our staff are very friendly and it is their opportunity to ask any questions they have and to find out about the things that matter to them, when they are choosing their next steps.

In addition to our one-to-one in-person careers guidance sessions, we could be doing:

  • Assemblies
  • Workshops
  • Careers fairs
  • Parents' meetings

We are impartial and help students to discover all the available routes to gaining qualifications, including the new T levels and Higher Technical Qualifications as well as a huge number of 'graduate' careers that are now available as school leaver schemes.

We can also help with understanding the real cost of university and by considering all the factors, allowing you to evaluate whether your child’s chosen route presents ‘good value’.

Access to FutureSmart Connect

If we are not due to come into your child's school but you think they would benefit from some careers guidance, we also offer an independent careers advice service to students who do not study in our schools. FutureSmart Connect is available to anyone who feels that their child may benefit from some individual, expert careers guidance via our direct one-to-one services. Click Here to find out more about FutureSmart Connect.

Your advisers were lovely and fitted in well. The students really appreciated their advice. The notes from the student interviews very good too.
Careers Leader, Brompton Academy, Kent


I liked the fact that I gained lots of new knowledge about university and future careers.
Student, Radley College

FutureSmart Careers has provided invaluable support for our students to help them make some of the most significant decisions of their life. Support has been wide-ranging, including Oxbridge and Medical application preparation, advice about individual courses and universities and guidance on non-university routes.
Head of Sixth Form, The Oratory School, Berkshire